Stomach Gas: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

Gas in your stomach can be extremely discomforting and often, embarrassing. Understanding its symptoms, causes and treatments for controlling it better.

Passing gas can be embarrassing, if happening in public or in the presence of someone, while it is a natural biological function. The average person passes gas through the mouth or the rectum at least 12 times a day. The body produces stomach gas as a by-product of its normal digestion process. However, there are times when excessive stomach gas can cause various discomforting symptoms. Stomach gas comprises of carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. One of the most common causes of excessive stomach gas is a digestive problem. However, there are a host of other causes for this problem too. Understanding the symptoms of excessive stomach gas and its causes as well as treatment options is useful for those suffering from excessive stomach gas production.

Symptoms of Gas in Stomach

There are several ways that stomach gas makes itself known to us. Here are some of the most common symptoms that a person would experience this condition.

  • Belching/Burping – Belching or burping is the most common method of expelling stomach gas. This is commonly seen or heard after a meal. Excessively swallowed air is the usual cause of burping. This distends the stomach and belching or burping can expel the excess gas and relieve discomfort. Excessive burping due to stomach gas may frequently occur in people who drink vast quantities of carbonated beverages.
  • Bloating – This symptom causes excessive discomfort. This occurs when there is excess air trapped in the abdomen. Bloating, most often, occurs after a heavy meal. Oily foods can delay the stomach emptying process which can cause air to fill in the stomach, leading to bloating.
  • Acid Taste – Burping can bring on a strange, acidic taste to the mouth. This occurs when food and stomach acids travel up the esophagus into the mouth. This is often experienced by people with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
  • Flatulence – The passing of gas through the intestines is referred to as flatulence. Gas trapped in the intestines can cause cramps and diarrhea and bloating. Gas can become trapped in the intestines due to a digestive disorder and through the consumption of certain foods.
  • Nausea – Patients with IBS or ulcers may experience stomach gas that may lead to nausea. This feeling may continue for some time, till the gas in the stomach is expelled.

Causes of Gas in Stomach

Gas in the stomach can be due to a myriad of causes. Some are simple causes while others can be due to an underlying medical condition. Some of these causes are provided below.

  • Undigested foods – slow digestion of foods can result in the production of hydrogen and carbon dioxide and methane that cause a build of stomach gas.
  • Lactose intolerance – this is a congenital disorder that causes allergic reactions to certain dairy products.
  • Aerophagia – swallowing air while eating or drinking or talking
  • Indigestion
  • Pancreatitis – sudden inflammation of the pancreas
  • Food poisoning
  • IBS and constipation

Treating Gas in Stomach

There are several reasons for gas in your stomach including diet, medical conditions, unhealthy eating habits, etc. So adjusting your eating habits can help a lot for this condition. Try to avoid foods that can cause excessive gas like pears, broccoli, milk, etc. When you drink or eat, try to slow down. Relief from discomfort and embarrassment of gas in the stomach can be alleviated with home remedies, too. For example, ginger has various positive properties that treat gas in the stomach. Adding ginger to foods, salad or having it in a cup of tea can relieve the gassy symptoms. Yoghurt is also beneficial for relieving gassy stomachs. Yoghurt has healthy bacteria that promote stomach health. Eating yoghurt (low-fat) daily can alleviate symptoms of gas. Finally, drinking baking soda with water may also help alleviate gas.

Home remedies for gas in stomach may be helpful in preventing gas temporarily. However, persistent, excessive gas in the stomach requires medical attention.



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