Best Vitamins to Promote Liver Health

The liver is an important organ in the human body with various functions. Some vitamins can help promote liver health? What are these vitamins?

The liver is one of the most internal organs in the human body. The role of the liver is to produce the bile which helps the gastrointestinal system digest fat, in the process of energy release, helps distribute and store various vitamins and minerals necessary for a normal body functioning and good health, helps in the blood clotting process, helps control and remove the cholesterol among other functions. In order to maintain a healthy liver, it is very important to have a well-balanced diet. However, certain vitamins are very beneficial for liver health.


Best Vitamins for Liver Health

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. However, more research is needed when it comes to vitamin E and its use for liver health. It is known that alcohol, drugs, stress, oxidative stress and other factors are the main causes of various liver diseases. Antioxidants in our diet can neutralize these harmful free radicals preventing this way any chronic liver disease. For this reason, vitamin E as an antioxidant has been studied for its benefits when it comes to the treatment of chronic hepatitis C or alcoholic hepatitis.

Supplements of vitamin E should be taken only when recommended by a doctor. You should not take vitamin E supplements on your own as according to a clinical trial in 2005, high doses of vitamin E can increase death rates. Instead, you can add more vitamin E rich foods to your daily diet such as almonds, spinach, peanut butter, sunflower seeds, etc.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C, one of the vitamins for liver, is another powerful antioxidant which can be very beneficial for liver health. It is well known that vitamin C plays an important role on the maintenance of healthy tissues, in the process of wound healing or in the immune system, as well as in the regeneration process of body cells, including those of the liver. Add more vitamin C rich foods into your diet such as bell peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, oranges, etc., for a better liver health.

Vitamin D

Sun exposure is very important for the production of vitamin D in the human body. Vitamin D is converted into its active form in the kidneys and liver. This vitamin, commonly known also as the sunshine vitamin, has many health benefits such as supports the immune system, reduces the risk for various chronic diseases, helps decrease the inflammation, etc. According to various studies on the benefits of vitamin D and liver health, it has been estimated that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of various chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis. Also, according to a study, vitamin D supplements improve liver health. Add more vitamin D rich foods to your diet such as eggs, fish, mushrooms, etc.

Vitamin B12

One of the vitamins for liver, among other vitamins is vitamin B12. This vitamin is needed for the treatment of liver diseases as it plays an important role in the production process of methionine, an amino acid that is converted into S-adenosylmethionine. S-asdenosylmethionine is a compound often used in the treatment of liver diseases. Foods that are rich in vitamin B12 include fortified cereals, salmon, eggs, chicken, milk, clams, etc.

Vitamin A and Iron

Deficiencies of vitamin A and iron are the most common nutritional deficiencies affecting both men and women worldwide. These two nutrients are closely linked together as vitamin A deficiencies lower the levels of iron in the body leading to anemia, while iron deficiencies lower the levels of vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A and iron supplements, when taken together, will help restore the deficiency and treat anemia.

However, you should be careful when taking these supplements as high doses of vitamin A can lead to liver toxicity. On the other hand, iron promotes the formation of scar tissue on the liver. For this reason, persons suffering from chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis should avoid taking iron supplements. Instead, multivitamins without iron are recommended.

Warning and Precautions

A healthy and a well-balanced diet are very important for overall health, including liver health. However, if you are concerned about your liver health, consult your health care provider. Sometimes, certain dietary changes are needed in order to improve liver health by adding some foods that are rich in necessary nutrients and vitamins. Before starting any vitamin supplements for your liver health, consult your health care provider as well, as high doses of certain vitamins can have negative effects on your liver health, including toxicity.

Other Natural Ways to Improve Liver Health

If you want to have a healthy liver, here are some tips that you might benefit from besides vitamins for liver:

  • Avoid drinking too much alcohol. It is well known that alcohol is the number one factor which damages the liver cells, leading to chronic liver diseases such as cirrhosis. Men should not drink more than two drinks daily, while women should not drink more than one drink daily.
  • Eat healthily. What we eat is very important for overall health, including liver health. Certain foods should be avoided such as fatty foods, sugary foods, and salty foods. A well – balanced diet which includes fruits, vegetables, meat, etc., are recommended. High-fiber foods are also recommended. Drinking plenty of water is also a must as it will help prevent dehydration. This will also help your liver function normally.
  • Exercise regularly. Regular physical exercise is another factor which plays an important role in our overall health. Leading a sedentary life, on the other hand, will have a negative effect on our body, including the liver.
  • Pay attention to the medications you use. Too many medications, regardless the reason you are taking them can damage your liver. Some medications will damage your lover when you take them together with alcohol, other will damage your liver when you take too much of them, or when you combine them with other drugs. Before taking any medications consult with your healthcare provider first.
  • Prevent viral hepatitis and get diagnosed on time. Viral hepatitis, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C are serious diseases that damage the liver. You can prevent hepatitis A by getting vaccinated or by watching what you eat and drink. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C are transmitted from one person to the other through body fluids and blood. You can get vaccinated for hepatitis B, but there is no vaccine for hepatitis C. In order to prevent getting infected with these viruses, limit the number of sexual partners, don’t share personal items, use latex condoms when having a sexual intercourse, etc. If you suspect of viral hepatitis get diagnosed on time. The soon you start the treatment the better it is as you can prevent further liver damage or postpone it as much as possible.
  • Be careful with herbs and dietary supplements. Some herbs and dietary supplements can damage your liver. For this reason, watch what you take.
  • Avoid toxins. They will damage your liver, especially insecticides, aerosol products, cleaning products, etc. Smoking can also damage your liver due to the additives which are added to cigarettes.
  • Drink coffee. Yes, you read it correctly. Coffee is thought to lower the risk of getting a liver disease.



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