What Signs to Expect When You're One Week Pregnant?

One week pregnancy signs are similar to those which are experienced throughout the remaining nine months. Take a pregnancy test to be sure about it.

Those who might be pregnant want to know the news as soon as possible. Many do not realize that you can find out if you are pregnant in as little as one week after conception. Your body will start producing different levels of hormones in preparation for the growth and care of the growing fetus. These symptoms can be an indicator that you should take a pregnancy test or visit a doctor. It is important to note that not all women will experience symptoms at the same level and some may not show pregnancy symptoms at all.

Signs of Pregnancy after 1 Week

Given following are some common symptoms of pregnancy during the first week, which you can refer to and see if you are pregnant.

1. Missed Period

When you become pregnant your menstrual cycle will stop. After the egg has become embedded in the uterine wall, the body will not want to shed the lining as this will expel the fertilized egg. Many women note a missed period and take this to be a sign that they may be pregnant. However, this can easily provide a false alarm because stress, changes in weight or illness can cause the menstrual cycle to become interrupted.

2. Mild Bleeding or Cramping

As the egg becomes embedded in the uterine wall it can cause cramping or bleeding. This can be mistaken for a menstrual cycle as the symptoms are quite similar, but this bleeding will be more like spotting rather than the flow you expect from your normal menstrual cycle. If there is bleeding or cramping at a time that does not coincide with your normal menstrual cycle, it could be a sign that you are pregnant.

3. Changes of the Breasts

Wondering what are the possible signs of pregnancy after 1 week? Take a good look at your breasts. As the hormones associated with pregnancy begin to emerge they will affect the feminine parts of your body such as the breasts. The breast tissue may become sore or tender, especially around the nipples. They may begin to fill out and feel heavier than normal. It is also common for the areola, or the area around the nipple to become darker when you become pregnant.

4. Nausea and Morning Sickness

The first trimester is often coupled with nausea or morning sickness due to the higher level of estrogen coursing through the body. Many women will notice that their sense of smell is more sensitive than usual, which adds to the food sensitivity that they are experiencing. Some odors such as cigarette smoke, chemical odors or specific foods can cause them to become nauseated very suddenly when you wake up in the morning or throughout the day. Some women may vomit frequently as a result of this nausea.

5. Fatigue and Dizziness

As your hormones change it will put more stress on your body. An increase of progesterone in the system will also disrupt your natural sleep cycle, making it easy for you to tire easily. Your blood pressure will also alter during this time as the body adjusts to provide nutrients for the growing baby. If your blood sugar drops it can cause you to become tired very quickly.

If your blood pressure gets too low, it can cause you to feel dizzy or lightheaded. In cases where your blood sugar drops very quickly it can cause fainting. If you have noticed yourself becoming lightheaded or dizzy very easily then it is important to keep snacks handy to raise your blood sugar and take care when getting up from a resting position so you do not fall and cause yourself injury

6. Increased Body Temperature

One of the common signs of pregnancy after 1 week is that The basal body temperature will increase after you have become pregnant. In as little as one week after conception, women can measure their basal temperature and notice a difference. This can also be used to note your ovulation time if you are hoping to become pregnant. This raise in basal temperature is most noticeable when you first wake up. Take your temperature orally for a few days in a row to note if it has risen from its previous rate.

7. Backache or Headaches

A combination of hormone changes and an increase in blood production can increase your risk of developing headaches starting as early as the first week of pregnancy. The swelling of the uterus and the sudden weight gain that begins when you become pregnant can put pressure on the lower back, which can cause discomfort.

If you are concerned that you might be pregnant, try to stretch or use natural remedies to relieve your discomfort rather than taking medications which could be dangerous during the early weeks of your pregnancy.

8. Food Cravings

Food cravings are commonly associated with later trimesters, but these cravings can start as early as the first week of pregnancy. You may find yourself desiring foods you may not normally eat, or developing an overwhelming urge to eat a specific food. You may also find that foods you would normally consume suddenly seem unappealing without explanation.

9. Lack of Appetite or Constipation

An increased level of progesterone can cause the body to move food through the intestines more slowly than usual. This can make food stay in the stomach longer than usual, which causes loss of appetite and constipation to occur more frequently. Working to stay hydrated can help reduce the discomfort associated with constipation without taking medications which can increase the risk of pregnancy complications.

10. Mood Swings

Changes in hormones can also cause emotional instability. This is another symptom that can be mistaken for signs of your menstrual cycle as many women suffer mood swings during this time. These mood swings can also be coupled with unexplained anxiety or depression.



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