How to Deal With Those Annoying Sunspots on Your Skin

Sunspots on the skin are very unsightly. Apply these home remedies to help fade the existing sunspots and prevent new ones from appearing. Know details here!


Sunspots or solar lentigines are dark portions of the skin that develop after prolonged exposure to direct ultra violet or UV rays. People of all ages are susceptible to these spots, though those with lighter skin tend to develop them more frequently. Those that are sensitive about the appearance of sunspots can use a variety of cosmetic procedures to rid their skin of these marks.

How to Get Rid of Sunspots on Skin

The main cause of sunspots is constant exposure to UV rays from the sun, though yeast, natural pigmentation, hypomelanosis, pityriasis alba or fungus can also play a role in their development as well. Stretching out in the sun may feel good at the time but it can increase your risk of damaging your skin and developing skin cancer. Sunspots will cause dark or white spots to appear on the skin. These can be a variety of shapes and colors and develop anywhere on the skin, though they are most common on the hands and face.

Things to apply on your face

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera can help the skin grow new cell tissue and repair tissue that has been damaged. Apply this gel to the skin twice a day to help repair sun spots.

Apple cider vinegar and onion juice

Mixing apple cider vinegar with a chopped onion is a common remedy for bleaching dark spots on the skin. Chop an onion and allow the juice to drain, then collect this juice and mix it with equal parts apple cider vinegar. Let this mixture sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes before washing it off with water.


Fresh garlic can make the skin look more natural while lightening skin tone. You can consume garlic juice or apply a fresh clove to damaged portions of the skin to get these effects.

Cod olive oil and castor oil

These oils are known to help fade dark marks such as sunspots on the skin. Mix equal parts of castor and cod liver oils then apply it twice a day to the face.


Fresh tomatoes contain enzymes that help the skin to repair damage. Cut a fresh tomato and rub it on your skin for a few minutes at a time to rid your skin of spots.

Lemon juice

Lemon has a great deal of citric acid that has great healing properties which helps greatly when dealing with sunspots on skin. Place lemon juice on sunspots and allow it to sit for 10 minutes, but avoid the sun during this time.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential to healing damaged skin. Combine the contents of a vitamin E capsule with honey to create a mask that will help to treat sunspots.


Buttermilk has been used for decades to lighten sunspots but tends to be more effective on those that do not appear on the face. Allow the buttermilk to sit on the spots for several minutes and then gently wash it away.

Sunblock Creams

It is important to wear sunscreen every day to protect your skin from exposure to UV rays that can cause damage. Regular UV exposure will increase the appearance of sunspots and color differentiation in the skin. Sunblock with a minimum SPF 15 content will allow your skin to heal naturally while warding off additional sunspots.

Things to include in your diet

Orange and tomato

Citrus foods like tomatoes and oranges contain high amounts of vitamin C that your body can use to repair skin cells and other damaged tissues while minimizing the damage from UV exposure. Watermelons, grapes and tomatoes also contain lycopene that can help your skin avoid sunburn.

Green tea

Green tea is very high in antioxidants that can improve the quality of your skin while minimizing visible aging effects.

Green vegetables

Consuming raw greens gives the body high doses of vitamins B and E along with high amounts of fiber that can improve the quality of your skin which help fight sunspots on skin and give your skin better protection.

Tuna fish

Tuna is full of healthy fatty acids that can help prevent sunspots while allowing the body to repair damage on the skin.

Professional treatments

Laser resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is an expensive procedure that takes a few weeks to recover from. During this procedure a laser will be used to remove several layers of damaged skin so new, healthier skin can shine through.

Chemical peel

Chemical peels can be performed at spas or through your dermatologist. A combination of acids will be placed on the face to remove damaged layers of skin. This may cause redness for several days after the procedure.


During this treatment liquid nitrogen will be applied to damaged portions of the skin so it will scab. After around a week these spots will fall off, leaving a clear spot on the face.

Over the counter products

Products that contain kojic acid, renova or tretinoin will increase the appearance of sunspots quickly. Azealic acid is also helpful in fading spots that have been caused by hyperpigmentation. Your doctor may also provide you with a product that contains hydroquinone that can help to remove spots. However, carefully talk with your healthcare provider about whether or not this product is suitable because some studies have found that this product has caused cancer in mice.

The following video outlines the benefits of using rosehip to help fade sunspots on skin:



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